Aburt's Photo Gallery
Aburt's Photo Gallery
We've traveled to over 40 countries and I'm pretty sure more than one planet,
based on some of the odd things we've seen... Here are some of my favorite
(Click on any photo to see it full size)
This is from our recent trip to Mars. (Actually, it's a picture
I took of the inside of Haleakala, a volcano on Maui. But it sure looks
alien, doesn't it?)
No, this is not a shot after an earthquake or bridge collapse. This
is a lifesize art exhibit in Vancouver at Expo '86.
I thought about using this as a background, but the pictures
probably wouldn't look so hot on top of this.
Not to mention it would squish
all the little (big) Koi fish, of which this is a picture.
Here's a wall mural we saw in Pictou, Nova Scotia, where we went
on vacation in July of 1996. Nova Scotia
was settled by Scots, hence the kilts & bagpipes. The small
building at the end of the road in the picture is on Pictou's
main street. As you can guess, Pictou is not a very large
place. I highly recommend Nova Scotia for vacation, though.
Coming from Denver where it's build build build, Nova
Scotia's lack of feverish growth was refreshing.
Very peaceful.
Across the Northumberland Straight from Nova Scotia lies
Prince Edward Island. This far north you'd expect it to be
all cold and snowy, eh? PEI is gorgeous, though. This is
a farm by the home of Lucy Maud Montgomery (author of the
Anne of Green Gables
stories); her relatives still live
there. The striking thing about PEI is that for all the green
of the land, the soil is just as brightly red.
While we were on PEI, we were invited to a local "shindig".
Locals played local music, having the audience join in with,
shall we say, unusual instruments. One fellow in this picture
is playing a wooden marionette-like gimmick.
Planes land almost on your head on the beach in St. Martin
Basically, don't do anything. Nothing. Don't read this sign.
(at the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersberg, Russia)
We get some snow around here...
Sneaking through the Panama Canal
Feed the baby sloth, anyone? This was in Costa Rica.